Yutaka Kobayakawa - Lucky Star

I Got Awards!

Hei Guyz...
I am happy now because I got four awards from Aul! He got the awards from his  neighbours and he gives me too. Thanks so much for him for this awards. He is creative blogger and his posting always to be an interesting posting. I am not surprised if he always got many awards. And how kind he is because he also gives them to his neighbors (especially me, hahahaha).
Yeah, you know I am newbie in this blog world, so I am so excited getting this awards. I must learn, learn and learn more and also need suggestion, critic or advise from others to make my blog better. I will try to keep writing although there's no reader or comment in my blog. Hahahaha.
Ok, let's check them out my four awards!

First, My Different Blogger Award
Aul got this award from Bang Yudie

And I give this award to Lettha. She is a creative blogger and her blogger is very useful for newbie blogger, like me. Hahahaha.

Second, My One Lovely Blog Award
Aul got this award from Dana

I also give this award for Dina Nisrina, my cousin. I always like blogwalking to her blog. Hehehe.

Third, My Supportive Blogger Awards.
Aul got this award from kak Euis
For, the Supportive Blogger Award is given to Bella Satyanegara, my friend. I wish this award can motivate him for blogging again because he is the person who introduce me to blog world . Hahahaha. Come on boy...

Fourth, My Awesome Blogger Awards
Aul got this award from Della

I give this awards for Irvina, The Queen of Kancut in the world. I love her blog. I think it is so awesome.

Wow, I am really amazed and excited got this awards!! Once again, thanks so much Aul. I wish you don't feel bored to visit my blog and thanks also for suggestion and critic. And thanks so much also for Aul's neighbors, Bang Yudie, Dana, kak Euis, Della.

Well, I think that's all for my posting...
See u...

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4 komentar:

Aul Howler's Blog mengatakan...

congrats dear :)

"He is creative blogger and his posting always to be an interesting posting."

Waaaa :D

jadi malu nih. hehe. Padahal bang Aul belum segitunya kok...
dinar bisa aja. hehehehe :))

Keep your spirit on blogging dear...

btw kalau dinar emang mau lebih banyak pembaca, bang Aul punya beberapa tips nih:

1. Sering blogwalking plus ninggalin link di cbox-cbox. Blog baru memang harus sering blogwalking biar link nya bertebaran dimana-mana. jadinya makin banyak yg berkunjung balik...

2. Tulis postingan yang menarik. bisa aja yang sedang hot dibahas, atau post dengan banyak gambar keren, dll. Nanti pasti banyak yang tertarik buat baca.

3. khusus untuk blogger baru, sebaiknya jangan langsung membuat post yang penuuuuhhhh dengan tulisan. coba yang ringan-ringan dulu. nanti kalau followersnya udah banyak, baru deh...

4. Semua orang suka tulisan dengan aura positif. jadi sebisa mungkin kita kurangi menjelek2kan sesuatu. sekali-sekali sih mungkin bolehlah..

yups... waktu bang Aul baru nge-blog dulu sih, segitu aja rahasianya. tapi bukan berarti akan berhasil 100% lho... semuanya tergantung keberuntungan juga. hehe :D

Met nyoba

Dinar Faiza mengatakan...

wewww... mksh bang tips-tipsnya... siap dicoba :D q hrus ngurangin ke'over'an ku dlm ngepost kali y bang... hehehe... tp q orge emg suka ceplos2 n g bs ngontrol klo uda mlai nulis...pgennya dikeluarin smua. hehehe. tp akan tetep dicoba...
mksh jg uda bknjung :D what I have written bout u is exactly true kok... hehehehe #ngerayu

Aul Howler's Blog mengatakan...


Dinar Faiza mengatakan...

hahahaha... :D

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